YETI is the only Learner Management Information System on the market that has learner level business rules built-in, updated each year in line with data & funding rule changes.
This critical feature, runs c.3,500 checks, raising a series of error messages and warnings to ensure that the data inputted is as close to error free as possible.
CogniSoft are a member of the Department for Education Software Provider Group and use membership of this group to keep up-to-speed with upcoming changes and to update the business rules in your system. These critical changes help to reduce the administrative burden when looking to validate your data prior to submission.
Best practice set by the Department for Education, is that all funded training providers should routinely audit their data and they recommend the use of the freely available reports and tools to test the integrity of Single Individualised Learner Record (SILR) data to prepare for upload to The Hub each period. Tools for you to use are as follows:
- Provider data self-assessment toolkit (PDSAT)
PDSAT is a tool for analysing learner and learning delivery data. It interrogates Individualised Learner Record (SILR) data and produces reports on this data, so that providers can identify and investigate potential anomalies in the SILR data.
- Funding Information System (FIS)
FIS is a desktop service application element of the Education and Skills Funding Agency’s data collections system which can be used by data providers to:
- validate
Individualised Learner Record (SILR) data
- calculate funding and derived variables
- create a range of reports based on a set of SILR data.
- YETI SILR Error Report
In addition, YETI has an SILR Error report that is accessible through the export function within the system, that will highlight what is still to be resolved. CogniSoft recommend this exercise be run regularly between funding returns.