CoSign - Get Signatures Quickly

Anywhere. Any Device

Cosign diagram

Learners & employers can sign documents remotely, saving time, expense and all in complete security.

CoSign Logo

CoSign helps by significantly speeding up the process of getting your documents signed.  Signatories can be anywhere, using any device; all they need do is log in, sign and you’re done!

Signatures are recorded securely for download and automatically update your CogniSoft system.

  1. Upload to CoSign or YETI / IO
  2. Give the private code to a person and invite them to sign the document
  3. Signatory signs document
  4. Download the document for safe keeping or automatically download to your CogniSoft application and attached to the relevant record

CoSign reduces the cost involved in getting documents signed through postal mail and makes the process possible in hours, not days.

Each signature is protected by digital encryption with a date stamp, evidencing the process and timescales for audit.

Please email or call 0161 777 2900

CoSign Is fully compatible with all CogniSoft Systems